How To Make Bentonite Clay Toothpaste w/ Neem Powder

The first time I made my own toothpaste is when I learned how horrible the side effects are in commercial brands. Doing the research to learn how to make it is when I realized how easy it is to do and that everyone should be making their own toothpaste. Below is the recipe for an amazing remineralizing flouride free bentonite clay tootpaste. This is why you should think about using bentonite clay in particular: 
  • Because of it’s excellent ability to bind to heavy metals and toxins as well as to provide minerals.
  • Clay absorbs the bad stuff and removes it from your body. It's actually nature's detox agent. People (and animals) ingest clay for an internal cleanse.
  • It actually enhanced gum repair 
  • Also, using clay will also decreased cavities by increasing the remineralizing of the teeth. 
Neem powder has been used for hundreds of years in over all health and beauty. You may have noticed Neem toothpaste in your health food store and had no idea what it was. 

Before we make our own lets see why we need to make our own.


Most commercial toothpastes – even many of the “natural” ones – contain fluoride. Unfortunately, aHarvard study recently linked fluoride to lowered IQ in children, while additional research has associated it with weakened bones, thyroid suppression, lowered metabolic function and dementia.
Is it possible to remain cavity-free without fluoride? Great question. According to Dr. Hardy Limeback, DDS, PhD, who has served as head of the Department of Preventive Dentistry at the University of Toronto and president of the Canadian Association for Dental Research, “You can get perfectly healthy teeth with resistant enamel without having any kind of fluoride exposure.”

Glycerin is used in almost all toothpastes because it helps create a pasty texture and prevents it from drying out. Though it’s non-toxic and I love to use it in homemade beauty formulas, glycerin is not something I want in my mouth. Why? Because it coats the teeth in a way that prevents normal tooth remineralization. Though most of us were raised to believe that minerals cannot be returned to the structure of the tooth itself, there is good data suggesting that it can. If the concept of remineralization is new to you, I recommend you do some research on it.

SLS is a foaming agent and detergent that is commonly used in toothpaste, shampoo, and other products used to do things like, um, degrease car engines.  Why should we avoid it? Though some people have concerns that it may be an estrogen mimicker, I’d say the most obvious and substantiated reason is that it increases gum inflammation and mouth ulcers. According  to a study conducted the Department of Oral Surgery & Oral Medicine in Oslo, Norway, individuals who used a toothpaste containing SLS suffered from more ulcers (canker sores) than those who used an SLS-free toothpaste.
Titanium Dioxide

According to wikipedeia ,Titanium dioxide, also known as titanium oxide or titania, is the naturally occurring oxide of titanium, chemical formula TiO 2. When used as a pigment, it is called titanium white, Pigment White 6,Food manufacturers add titanium dioxide nanoparticles – the same compound used to make sunscreen and brighten paints – to many foods as a colorant and thickener. 
The Recipe

4 Tbs Bentonite Clay
1 Tbs Neem Powder
2 – 3 Tbs filtered water
1/2 tsp Sea Salt
5 or more drops peppermint or spearmint essential oil
2 drops of Clove oil
or you can get this amazing blend from It Works.
I Love this blend because it has everything you ne one drop is all you needed and more. Click the link to check it out and learn how to get it.
You can add a few drops of liquid stevia or 4 packs of Stevia In The Raw to your tasteif you feel so inclined. Add a flavored oil like orange if you have kids. Thanks for reading
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