Thank You for 200 Likes Giveaway!

Mother Earth's Healing 200 Likes Giveaway

I can remember many months ago when I started this page how I could imagine getting 50 likes. Here I am a few months later with over 200 likes. It’s time to celebrate. As my way of saying  thank you I’m giving some stuff away. All you have to do is follow my online store,  & answer one question on Facebook (motherearthshealing/ to enter for your chance to win .
What is your favorite thing about Mother Earth’s Healing? The store or the fan page.
 Answer honestly and your name will be entered in the drawing to be held on August 14th.
This is what you will get:
1lb bag of All Natural Laundry Detergent 
A tube of very moisturizing Spearmint Lip balm made with Shea Butter 
 and an 8oz jar of my all new face and body scrub; Wake Up With Coffee .

Good luck to you all !
Thanks again. It feels good to be liked.
Follow us on Twitter and Pinterest @ Earthmom13


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