Toxic Tuesday- D.I.Y. Dishwasher Tablets (without Borax & Citric Acid

In an effort to make everything as natural and chemical free as possible I figured why not try Dishwasher Tablets. I absolutely love them. The sparkle on your dishes is unbelievable. It will also clean the important parts of your dishwasher to where even the smell is noticeable.
The Recipe
  • 2 cups washing soda
  • 1 cup baking soda
  • lemon juice
  • 1/2 cup Epsom or Kosher salt
  • ½ cup white distilled vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon castile soap
  • Directions:
  • mix all the dry ingredients together in a large bowl
  • add vinegar, & gradually add lemon juice a little bit at a time and mix well (some fizzing will occur and the mixture will start to clump) You may not need the entire amount of lemon juice, so add it a little at a time.
  • mix in castile soap for extra cleaning power.
  • pack well into two ice cube trays (take your time doing this and make sure they are well compacted)
  • set ice cube trays out to dry for at least 24 hours in a sunny spot
  • take tabs out of trays and store in a tight-lidded container
Washing Soda – a.k.a. Sodium Carbonate. It acts as a super powerful de-greaser and disinfectant.
  • 1 Tbsp Baking Soda-natural cleanser.
  • 1 Tbsp Epsom Salt, Kosher Salt (or Sea Salt) – softens hard water. This amount can be adjusted, according to how hard or soft your water is.
  • Secret ingredient –> 1/2 TSP Plant Based dish washing liquid soap – the kind you use for hand washing your dishes. Yes, the one that your dishwasher’s manual says NOT to use!But make sure you use no more than this amount. Otherwise, you’ll get a huge sudsy mess and you’ll have a major clean up party. If by chance, the dishwasher spits out suds from using too much dish washing liquid, stop the machine and drain the water. Then, pour/splash some vinegar into the suds. It magically makes the suds dissipate. And then, start the machine again, without  putting any more detergents.)
How Much You Save
The exact breakdown of the price was about $0.04, yes, just 4 cents per tablet! I factored in everything according to what the actual used amount cost, so to be fair, the store-bought ones from Costco were the cheapest I found and those were a pretty good deal at just $0.19/tab. Some brands at Wal-Mart are as much as .$0.35 each, which means that at the least they’re nearly 5 times less, and depending on the brand, can be almost 9 times less expensive! I get it that these aren’t likely a huge part of your budget, but it all adds up. I’d rather spend my extra money on something a little more fun and exciting than dish soap!
Use 1 tablet per load. If It's broken up into pieces use one tablespoon per load.
Instead Of Jet Dry Add 1/3 cup white vinegar (I just filled the rinse aid compartment with it)
Don’t worry about your kitchen smelling like Easter eggs, the vinegar smell doesn’t ruin a thing.

The Rinse Aid acts as a homemade version of ‘jet dry’ to make them sparkling clean! Let us know how you love it!!!

Thanks for reading
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