D.I.Y Laundry Detergent Tablets

Please refer to the DIY video at the bottom of the page  for step by step instructions on making laundry detergent powder.
You will need: 
 1 C Washing soda    1 C Borax
1 C Baking Soda    1 Bar Castile Soap  Cheese Grater
Bowl    Whisk    Ice Tray or any mold
Essential Oil (Optional)
Step-1 Pulverize the soap bar into a fine powder, this is important as it will dissolve better in any temperature of water. Chop up the soap bar and then run it through a food processor or use a cheese grater.
Step 2- Add washing soda and borax. Run through the food processor as desired. The finer the powder, the easier it will dissolve in washes.

Step 3-Add ¼ C Vinegar or more if needed. The soap should still look dry, the goal is to get it wet enough that it will pack into molds. Like you’re building a sand castle. Step 4 Pack into an ice cube tray. Or any mold you choose.

Use 1-2 tablets per load is all you need. Add it on top of the clothes.
If you are not into making your own Tablets please visit my Etsy shop to purchase yours.
For more DIY tutorials follow us on You Tube, Facebook, & Pinterest @ Mother Earths Healing
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