How To Make Relaxing Detox Bath Salt

While there are many ways to detox, one of the easiest and most relaxing is through a detox bath. The best part? They’re insanely easy to make at home. You’ll get all the benefits you’d find in a high-end spa bath at a fraction of the price and in the comfort of your own home. I have shared the following recipe to encourage you to be inspired to make your own bath salts. There are a variety of ingredients and essential oils you can use to get the job done I will share my favorite recipe with you.

Kelp (seaweed) powder helps to detoxify the body by stimulating the lymphatic system. It also brings daily, noticeable relief from arthritis, and longer-lasting relief from aches and pains, as well as skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.
Our bodies absorb the trace minerals, especially iodine, which promotes detoxification by stimulating the thyroid. The vitamin K absorbed bolsters our adrenal glands, balancing hormones. Amino acids in seaweed alleviate inflammation. Seaweed also has an electromagnetic current that helps congested cells to break down and eliminate fatty toxins and to release excess fluid. This drainage is energizing, helping the body to fend off illness and reduce stress.

Bentonite clay contains more than 70 trace minerals.I suggest you look into this healing clay if you have not already. I use it in almost every body product I make. It's an amazing facial mask and you can drink it. Bentonite clay pulls heavy metals out of your body with a simple explanation.The clay carries a negative charge and toxins carry a positive. Toxins are attracted to the clay and the clay essentially pulls them from your body – amazing, right? This is a very powerful event, so be cautious. Limit your soak to 20 minutes or you may become nauseated, develop a headache, or endure other detox symptoms.

Epsom Salt- or magnesium flakes.  The flakes are more easily absorbed so I go with them.  Most of us are magnesium deficient which brings about a whole host of terrible symptoms, one being anxiety.  You can take supplements.
A detox bath works because it opens your pores wide open.  The heat from the bath not only makes you sweat, but opens your pores.  Add in the next ingredient – freshly grated or powdered ginger – to to give it a boost.

Baking Soda Detox– Did you know that common baking soda, the kind you might keep in your fridge to absorb the odors, can also be used as a detoxing device? That’s right, just by adding this to a bath you are giving it properties it otherwise wouldn’t have. It’s been said that this bath can help you de-stress. It’s important to look at stress as a toxic condition, and to look at ways of relaxing as a way to detox the body. The scientific way of referring to baking soda is sodium bicarbonate, and it’s great for neutralizing the chlorine that’s been added to most city water sources. It’s hard to detox in a bath that is full of a toxic chemical, so it’s good that this makes it naturally cleaner.

One way to make your detox even more relaxing and therapeutic is by adding a few relaxation flowers, herbs, and oils. To this recipe I add relaxation botanicals. Lavender, and chamomile petals to assist in relaxation. Rose petals because of the mood lifting properties: In a bad mood or feel the stress? Known as a powerful mood enhancer, add rose petals to a warm bath will help you get rid of feelings of anxiety. I also added 5 drops of an amazing essential oil blend by It Works Global.

Chill (follow the link to learm more about this oil). is perfect for this detox and chill bath salt. You’ll be ready to release, re-balance,
and reconnect with the aroma of calm and clean lavender, earthy clary sage, tangy grapefruit, and exotic copaiba.
Add as little as a few table spoons to a small bath and up to ¼ cup to a full one twice a week to detoxify regularly. Be sure to drinks extra water within 24 hours of this bath to avoid dehydration and to flush toxins away. 
Recipes to try:

1 cup of Ep

Epsom Salt, 1 cup of baking soda, 1/2 cup Kelp, 1/4 cup Bentonite Clay, Optional- 15 drops of your favorite essential oil, add a few tbsp of dried flowers and herbs. Mix together and store in jar. 

Thanks for reading. I encourage your feedback. Please share your 
experience with making this recipe. Please follow my blog to get more DIY recipes like this. You can find us on Instagram and Facebook @other Earths Healing
If you love natural chemical free products like this please visit my on line store at
I find that people tend to be unsure about detoxes and how it will affect them Below I compiled a list of FAQ's for you.
Detox Bath FAQ
Do detox baths work for colds?
Some detox baths are designed especially to fight off a cold when taken at the first signs and symptoms. They may help to boost the immune system just in time to stave off the cold. If you’ve already got a cold there’s no harm in taking a detox bath as it may help with the immediate symptoms you’re struggling with, and may be able to draw out the toxins that led to the cold in the first place.
Do detox baths burn calories?
Even though you’ll likely notice that you’re sweating more while taking a detox bath, and that you sweat for up to several hours after taking the bath, there’s no indication that you are helping to burn calories the way that you do when doing cardio for fitness.
Are detox baths safe?
Most detox baths that we’ve evaluated appear to be safe, and there are very few contraindications to taking them. If you have a specific concern about a particular bath it’s always a good idea to run it past your doctor before trying it. This way you won’t be bringing in excessive stress and worry and will have a more calm and confident attitude while bathing.
What are the benefits of detox baths?
The benefits of a detox bath vary by the type of bath it is. Some are geared towards drawing out toxic heavy metals. Others are designed to get you to sweat excessively so that you can get other toxins out of your body. Some use aromatherapy to help relax the mind and detox you by helping to release toxic thought patterns. Overall, you simply feel better after taking a detox bath, and the added ingredients make it more effective than simply taking a regular bath.
Will a hot bath help to detox?
A hot bath can help to open your pores and get you to sweat which may help the detoxifying process slightly. The reason that a proper detox bath is labeled as such is that it is using various ingredients to help you detox even more than simply sitting in a hot bath. But a hot bath can be very relaxing, so it shouldn’t be overlooked and can serve it’s own purpose.
Do detox baths help you lose weight?
Detoxing in general can be a catalyst for weight loss, especially if you have large accumulations of body waste stored up, and if you use the detox process to establish a better eating habits or to start a diet program.
Do detox baths help with acne?
Taking a hot detox bath will cause steam to rise to your face and open your pores. Opening your pores in this manner will set the stage for further cleansing with an exfoliator or other acne product.
Does Dr. Oz recommend detox baths?
Dr. Oz does recommend certain detox baths, and especially one in particular that has you mixing lavender oil and epsom salt. He advises a 30 minute soak and making the water hot.
Can a detox bath help with digestion?
Compared to a detox program a detox bath doesn’t do as much for your digestion, but if you are very stressed you could be causing a sluggish digestion. Relaxing in a detox bath can help in that regard, relaxing your body and allowing your digestive organs to function more properly. To accentuate the effect you can gently rub your stomach while in the bath in a clockwise direction.
How often should you take a detox bath?

The beauty of a detox bath is that you can take it whenever you want and whenever you feel like you need one.


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