D.I.Y. Avocado, Seaweed, & Bentonite Clay Facial Mask

I've been doing lots of research about the benefits of facial masks. What I found is there are sooooo many options of the different types of mask that people typically go for. I loved everything I read about three of them so much so that I imagined what it would be like to combine them into one mask. Well, needless to say I am absolutely in love with the results. I'm sold on the combination of Avocado, Swaweed, and Bentonite Clay in a mask for the skin & hair. Check out the benefits of each and the recipe for you to D.I.Y.
Benefits Of Bentonite Clay

Tones & Tighten- As the clay masque dries on your face and neck, you can feel the skin tighten. By this simple process, your skin is being actively cleansed and toned by the drying clay. After the facial, wrinkles will lessen in appearance and your skin will feel firmer and more supple. With regular use, the effects can be remarkable.
Exfoliates- The fine powders of facial clays cause a mild exfoliation effect which removes dead cells, encourages new cell growth, and leaves skin looking smooth, radiant and young. The clays also help stimulate circulation, which leads to naturally healthy, more self-regulating skin.
Cleanse * Refine Pores- Clays have what is described as a “drawing” effect. When you use a clay masque, it draws toxins and dirt from within your pores as the masque dries on your skin. Pores are deep cleansed and become more refined in appearance. Some clays are more powerful than others (see list of clays below).
Infuses With Minerals- The rich mineral content of clays, which varies based on where they are sourced, feeds and rejuvenates the skin. Our skin takes a beating from many environmental factors such as strong sun, wind, dry indoor air, and indoor and outdoor air pollutants;   a healthy infusion of minerals helps nourish and replace what our skin has lost due to daily wear and tear.
No Preservatives- Since you are mixing your clay facial masque fresh with water each time you use it, your masque is one hundred percent natural, which is, of course, much healthier for your skin. Most facial products, which you purchase in stores, contain preservatives such as parabens to prevent mold from forming. Many studies attribute negative effects to their wide spread use in our skin care products, although the long term effects of synthetic preservatives are still unclear.
Benefits Of Seaweed (Kelp) Powder

Anti-aging Effects - Potent Anti-oxidants & Cell Regenerating Properties- The vitamins, mineral, amino acids and enzymes present in seaweeds are potent anti-oxidants with skin healing and rejuvenating properties. Seaweed does wonders to aging skin by working to promote tissue regeneration activities in the skin to create skin elasticity. For an external treatment, a seaweed bath can help to maintain hormone balance, and increase blood flow at the surface of the skin to make your skin more supple, smooth and radiant. A more youthful appearance.
Reduce Acne Toxins - Purifying & Detoxifying- Seaweed is high in anti-bacterial properties that work well for the treatment of acne. For example, seaweed works best in drawing out impurities and toxins and regulating oil levels on your face. When applied topically, seaweeds draw out toxins from our body and our skin absorbs its nutrients through the pores. Beauty treatment such as face mask or spa treatments using natural seaweed ingredients is very popular for oily or acne prone skin. Seaweed masks have the ability to work gently to purify and detoxify whilst promoting circulation and helathy skin rejuvenation.

Treatment for Dry Skin - Hydrating, Nourishing- Continual use of natural seaweed skin care can increase levels of skin hydration and to promote a healthy glowing complexion. Seaweed is full of lipids, proteins, minerals and vitamins, which are easily absorbed into the skin. research also shows that nutrients from seaweeds are able to penetrate deep into the skin more efficiently than other skin care ingredients. This helps your skin to maintain its firmness and hydration.
Improve Skin Tone - Seaweed is packed with high concentrations of minerals such a fluorine, magnesium and calcium which will enable you to achieve a radiant skin complexion. The minerals contained in seaweed helps to maintain the skins's natural moisture balance - which is neither too dry nor too oily.
Helps to speed up skin metabolism. - Slimming Action
The Benefits Of Avocado Face Mask

The avocado has long been known for its positive effects on the human body, and the healthful properties of this fruit have made avocado face mask treatments more popular over the last few years. Why are avocados so popular? Overall, getting an avocado mask has a number of benefits when it comes to fighting aging, dry skin, dull skin, and a number of other skin problems. When it comes to skin care, the benefits of avocado face mask treatments are believed to come from its anti oxidant and moisturizing properties.
Moisturizes and Nourishes Skin An avocado face mask can battle dry skin and add moisture because it contains vitamins A and E, both of which have anti oxidant properties and help repair damaged skin. An avocado mask can help heal skin in two ways: by adding moisture and also by locking it into the skin to keep skin moisturized longer. Many lotions that claim to treat dry skin only soften the surface, and many applications are usually necessary to keep the skin from drying out again. However, using an avocado face mask can penetrate the deeper layers of the skin and create longer-lasting moisturizing effects.

Anti Aging Benefits of Avocado Face Masks- An avocado face mask fights the natural effects of aging in two ways. First, it contains vitamin A, which is a form of retinol. Retinol is a major factor in the appearance on an individual’s skin, because it can help boost new cell growth and collagen production. The more collagen the skin produces, the less visible wrinkles and fine lines will be, as collagen is one of the substances in our body responsible for keeping skin tight.
Second, avocado face masks also help the skin deflect and fight free radicals that can attack healthy skin cells and eventually lead to dark spots on face and skin discoloration. The naturally occurring anti oxidants in avocados can help fight these free radicals when absorbed directly into the skin. The nutrients in avocados can also act as a natural sunscreen, which can help boost the effectiveness of whichever sun block you’re already using.
Gives Skin a Deep-Down Clean- One of the benefits of an avocado face mask is that it can give skin a deep-down cleansing without the use of chemicals. While common chemical peels can get the skin clean and lift away dirt and excess oil that is trapped deep down in the pores, an avocado face mask can also penetrate deep into the skin, drawing away dead skin cells with the power of retinol, amino acids, and glutamine. This leaves the skin feeling clean and healthy, and may even help get rid of acne or skin blemishes. Because avocado face mask treatments are usually gentle on the skin, they are less likely to cause problems commonly associated with harsher masks, such as redness, moderate irritation, and peeling.
Below is the recipe I us in the video and a few others for you to try.
You will need: Empty glass jar (storage)
2 Tbsp Bentonite Clay, 1 Tbsp seaweed (kelp) powder, 1 hass Avocado, 3 Tbsp Oil ( Coconut,  olive, or any oil of your choice), 1/3 cup Coconut Water (or distilled water), 2 tsp lemon or lime juice, add any essential oils you like.
MIX all ingredients together until smooth and creamy and store in an air tight jar. Use twice a week on clean dry skin. Wash make up off your face, apply mask and leave on at least twenty minutes. Wash off with cold water and moisturize as needed.

Thanks for reading
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