July-Juvenile Arthritis Month

July is Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month and the Arthritis Foundation is focusing on heightening awareness of early signs and symptoms and the resources available for families.
Often a child complaining of achy joints is diagnosed as having “growing pains,” a phenomenon believed to be the result of the natural growth process. Now it’s known that joint pain, stiffness and swelling in or around the joint may be early signs of a serious, inflammatory rheumatic disease, according to a news release from the Arthritis Foundation.
 “Parents should be aware that juvenile arthritis is not rare. If a child is limping on a regular basis, or having pain and swelling of any joint, it would be important to get evaluated by a doctor. It is also important to note that lab values can be normal, and that still doesn’t rule out juvenile arthritis,” says Pediatric Rheumatologist Dr. Ankur Kamdar, assistant professor of pediatrics at The University of Texas Health Science Center (UTHealth). “Early medical treatment of juvenile arthritis can prevent serious, permanent damage to young joints and enable your child to live an active, full childhood.”

 The announcement continues: “Contrary to general belief, infants, children and teenagers can get arthritis. Approximately 300,000 children are affected by juvenile arthritis. While there is no known cure, there has never been a more optimistic outlook for children with juvenile arthritis. Advances in research have produced new treatments that moderate and even stop the effects of juvenile arthritis, preventing significant disability in later years.”When joint cartilage wears away, bone rubs against bone, causing osteoarthritis. Sounds painful? It is.

Osteoarthritis seriously impairs the quality of life for 27 million Americans. Given that osteoarthritis is so disabling, painful, and common, lots of quack “cures” are out there, from shark cartilage to copper jewelry to snake venom.

But here are 13 natural remedies that research suggests may actually help ease arthritis pain.

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